Diane Edison
EDUCATIONGraduate School of Fine Arts, University of Pennsylvania, MFA 1986, Philadelphia, PASkowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture, Summer 1984, Skowhegan, MESchool of Visual Arts, BFA June 1976, New York, NYPROFESSIONAL POSITIONSAssociate Director, Lamar Dodd School of Art, University of Georgia, Fall 1997-PresentAssociate Professor, Painting and Drawing, 1997-PresentAssistant Professor, Painting and Drawing, University of Georgia, 1992-1996AWARDS, FELLOWSHIPS, GRANTSSenior Faculty Research award, University of Georgia, 1999, Athens, GAResearch Travel Award (Exhibition) Kwangju Biennale, 1997, KwangJu, Korea "Georgia Women in the Arts," 1997"Who's Who in America," 1997-1998"Who's Who in American Women," 1997Milton Avery Foundation Fellow, 1995, New York, NYSoutheastern National Endowment for the Arts, 1994, Atlanta, GAJunior Faculty Research Grant, 1994, Athens, GAGeorgia Council for the Art Grants, 1993,Atlanta, GAARTIST RESIDENCIESBlue Mountain Lake Art Center, 1996, Blue Mountain Lake, NYThe Millay Colony for the Arts, Inc., 1995, Austerlitz, NYSELECTED GROUP EXHIBITIONSThe Berman Museum "I Her Voice: Self Portraits by Women, 1998-1999, Collegeville, PAGEORGE ADAMS GALLERY, "Luminosity" 1998, New York, NYGRAND ARTS, "In the Name of the Place," GALA Committee, 1998, Kansas City, KATHE GEFFEN CONTEMPORARY AT MOCA, "Uncommon Sense""In the Name of the Place," GALA Committee, 1997, Los Angeles, CATATISCHEFF & COMPANY INC, "Drawing From Life," 1997, New York, NYGEORGE ADAMS GALLERY, "A Show of Hands," 1997, New York, NYKWANGJU BIENNALE, "Unmapping the Earth,"HYBRID SECTION, "In the Name of the Place," 1997, KwangJu, KoreaSFA GALLERY, "It Figures," 1996, Nacogdoches, TXARKANSAS ART CENTER, "Large Drawings and Objects," 1996AGNES SCOTT COLLEGE, "Women Artists Educators," 1996, Little Rock, ARFRUMKIN/ADAMS GALLERY, "Around the House," 1995, New York, NYSOUTHEASTERN CENTER FOR CONTEMPORARY ART,"SAF/NEA Fellowship Exhibitions," 1994, Winston-Salem, NCUNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI, "Reaffirming the Media," 1994, Kansas City, MOCHARLES MORE GALLERY, "Figurative Drawings," 1994, Philadelphia, PASOLO EXHIBITIONSMUSEUM OF ARTS AND SCIENCES"My Mother's Daughter," 1998, Macon, GAGEORGE ADAMS GALLERY"Diane Edison Portraiture and Self-Portraiture," 1997, New York, NYNEXUS CONTEMPORARY ART CENTER"Diane Edison Autobiographical Narratives," 1995, Atlanta, GACHATTAHOOCHEE VALLEY ART MUSEUM"Diane Edison," 1995, LaGrange, GALAMAR DODD SCHOOL OF ART"Diane Edison, Recent Work," 1994, Athens, GASource: University of Georgia, Lamar Dodd School of Arthttp://www.visart.uga.edu/main.html(source: George Adams Gallery, Artnet)BORN:Piscataway, New Jersey.LIVES:Athens, Georgia.AWARDS, SCHOLARSHIPS:Senior Faculty Research Grant. University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, 1999. Georgia Women in the Arts Recognition Award. Atlanta, Georgia, 1997. Research Travel Award. Kwang Ju Biennale, Korea, 1997. Blue Mountain Center, New York, 1996. Milton Avery Foundation Fellow, 1995. The Millay Colony for the Arts Inc. Austerlitz, New York, 1995University of Georgia Research Quarter. Athens, GeorgiaSouthern Arts Federation/NEA Fellowship, 1994Junior Faculty Research Grant for Visual Arts. The University of Georgia. Atlanta, 1994Georgia Council for the Arts Individual Artist Grant. Atlanta, 1993. Appointment Professor of Painting Studies Abroad Program. Cortona, Italy, 1993. Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture Scholarship. Skowhegan, Maine, 1984. EDUCATION: Graduate School of Fine Arts, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia: MFA, May 1986. Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture, Skowhegan: 1984. School of Visual Arts, New York: BFA, June 1976. PUBLICATIONS/ REVIEWS: University of Rhode Island. 'Figure/Disfigure.' Text by Judith Tolnick, 2001. BAXTER, Kathleen. 'Drawing Attention to Museum Collections.' American Artist. Jan 2000, p. 64 – 68. Illus. JOHNSON, Ken. 'James McGarrell and Diane Edison.' The New York Times. 25 Feb 2000: E42. SOZANSKI, Edward. 'Viewing Women Artists Looking at Themselves.' The Philadelphia Inquirer: 1 Jan 1999: p 30, Illus. Times Herald, Norristown, Pennsylvania, 1999. Macon Dispatch, 1998. Atlanta Journal-Constitution 1995. Public Access Television. Brooklyn, New York. 1995. Atlanta Journal-Constitution 1994. Catalogue Arkansas Arts Center 1994. St. Louis Dispatch 1994. CompHealth/Kron Locum Tenens. Essay SAF/NEA Fellowship Catalogue 1994. Nexus Contemporary Art Center Presents: Summer Solos Catalogue 1995. New Art Examiner 1994. New York Newsday 1991.PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE:Associate Director, Lamar Dodd School of Art, University of Georgia, AthensProfessor of Painting & Watercolor Studies Abroad Program, University of Georgia, Fall 1993, Cortona, ItalyAssistant Professor of Painting, Drawing and Printmaking, University of Georgia, AthensGeorgia Museum of Art panelist, AthensAssistant Professor of Art, Savannah College of Art and Design 1990-92, SavannahLecturer, Telfair Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1991, SavannahPanelist, Marymount Manhattan College, 1989, New YorkPROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS: College Arts AssociationAmerican Association of University ProfessorsSOLO EXHIBITIONS:“Diane Edison: A Second Look.†George Adams Gallery, New York City, 2000. “Diane Edison: My Mother’s Daughter.†Macon Museum of Arts and Sciences. Georgia, 1998. “Diane Edison: Portraits and Self-Portraits,†George Adams Gallery, New York City, 1997. “Autobiographical Narratives.†Nexus Contemporary Art Center. Atlanta, 1995. “Diane Edison: Drawings and Paintings.†Chattahoochee Valley Art Museum. Lagrange, Georgia, 1995. “Diane Edison Recent Works.†University of Georgia. Athens, Georgia, 1994.SELECTED GROUP EXHIBITIONS:'Me, Myself & I.' George Adams Gallery, New York, NY 2002'Artists Respond: A Benefit Exhibition of Works by Gallery Artists and I Love New York Benefit.' George Adams Gallery, NY, 2001'About Face: The Collection of Jackye and Curtis Finch, Jr.' Arkansas Art Center, Little Rock, Oct 5 – Nov 11, 2001. *'Figure/Disfigure.' University of Rhode Island, Kingston, 2001. American Embassy N'Djamena, Chad, 2000. “The Likeness of Being: Contemporary Self-Portraits by 60 Women.†DC Moore Gallery. New York City, 2000. “New Realism for a New Millennium.†Memorial Art Gallery, University of Rochester. New York, 1999. “Local Figures 1999 Biennial.†Nexus Contemporary Art Center. Atlanta, Georgia, 1999. 'Large Drawings from the Arkansas Arts Center Foundation Collection.' Circulated by Smith-Kramer Fine Art Services, Kansas City, MO; traveled to the Columbus Museum, Georgia; Butler Institute of American Art, Youngstown, Ohio; Mississippi Museum of Art, Jackson; Cedar Rapids Museum of Art, Iowa; Hunter Museum of Art, Chattanooga, Tennessee; Center for the Visual Arts, Metropolitan State College, Denver, Colorado; Georgia Museum of Art, University of Georgia, Athens; Dubuque Museum of Art, Iowa; Washington State University Museum of Art, Pullman, Washington; 1999-2001.* 'In Her Voice: Self-Portraits by Women.' Phillip and Muriel Berman Museum of Art, Ursinus College. Collegeville, Pennsylvania, 1998-99. “Illumination.†George Adams Gallery. New York City, 1998. “School of Art Faculty Exhibition.†Georgia Museum of Art. Athens, 1998. American Embassy Moscow, Russia, 1997. “Drawing from Life.†Tatischeff & Company Inc. New York City, 1997. “Mixing Business with Pleasure.†Sawhill Gallery, James Madison University. Harrisonburg, Virginia, 1997. “A Show of Hands.†George Adams Gallery, New York City, 1997. “It Figures.†SFA Gallery. Nacogdoches, Texas, 1996. “Three Women Artists/Educators.†Dalton Gallery, Agnes Scott College. Decatur, Georgia, 1996. “Portraits and Self Portraits.†George Adams Gallery. New York City, (Summer) 1996. “Large Drawings and Objects.†Arkansas Arts Center. Little Rock, 1996.* “Portraits and Self-portraits.†George Adams Gallery. New York City, (Summer) 1996. Frumkin/Adams Gallery. New York City, (Summer) 1995. “Figurative Drawing.†Charles More Gallery. Philadelphia, 1994. “Reaffirming the Media.†Art Gallery, University of Missouri. Kansas City, 1994.* “Around the House.†Frumkin/Adams Gallery. New York City, 1994. “1994 SAF/NEA Fellowship Exhibition.†Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art. Winston-Salem, North Carolina, 1994. “National Drawing Invitational.†The Arkansas Arts Center. Little Rock, Arkansas, 1994. “With Our Own Eyes.†Georgia Artist Registry. Atlanta, Georgia, 1994. “School of Art Faculty Exhibition.†Georgia Museum of Art. Athens, 1993. “Collector’s Annual.†Arkansas Arts Center. Little Rock, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995. “Figure Drawing.†Frumkin/Adams Gallery (Drawing Gallery). New York City, 1992. “Beyond the Innocence: An African-American Invitational Exhibition.†St. Louis Artist Guild. Missouri, 1992. “Large Scale Drawings.†Frumkin/Adams Gallery. New York City, 1992. Faculty Exhibition. Savannah College of Art and Design. Georgia, 1991. “Speaking for Myself.†The Rotunda Gallery. Brooklyn, New York, 1991. “The Figure Now. “The Cork Gallery, Lincoln Center. New York City,1990. “The Figure Now.†Salena Gallery, Long Island University. Brooklyn, New York, 1990. “Ten Women, Contemporary Self-Portraits.†Marymount Manhattan College Gallery. New York City, 1989. “Personae, Contemporary Portraiture and Self-Portraiture.†Islip Art Museum , Brookwood Hall. New York City, 1989. “Women, Native, Other.†Hunter College, Bertha and Karl Leubsdorf Art Gallery. New York City, 1989. Faculty/Student Exhibition. Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture Skowhegan. Maine, 1984. Members Exhibition. Vida Gallery. San Francisco, 1982. Women’s Invitational. Sonoma, California, 1981. Rutgers University. New Brunswick, New Jersey, 1976. Invitational. Urban League. New Brunswick, New Jersey, 1973.