Will CountsSkip to main content Collections Menu Collections Artists Favorites Advanced Search Sort:Title (A–Z)Title (Z–A)Date (Older First)Object number (Ascending)Artist (A-Z)Last Updated (Ascending)ListImages85 results Image Not Available for Alex Wilson and two other black men arrived at Central High on September 23 about five minutes before the "Little Rock Nine" entered the school's 16th Street entrance. The two other men left quickly but Wilson refused to run saying, "I fought for my country in the war and I am not running from you." He was beaten, knocked to the ground, and kicked as he walked on 16th Street. The attack on Wilson stopped only after the mob heard that the black students were entering Central High. Wilson walked awayAlex Wilson and two other black men arrived at Central High on September 23 about five minutes before the "Little Rock Nine" entered the school's 16th Street entrance. The two other men left quickly but Wilson refused to run saying, "I fought for my country in the war and I am not running from you." He was beaten, knocked to the ground, and kicked as he walked on 16th Street. The attack on Wilson stopped only after the mob heard that the black students were entering Central High. Wilson walked awayWill CountsSeptember 23, 1957 (printed in 1997) Image Not Available for Annice Steadman shows technique for students to dissect crabsAnnice Steadman shows technique for students to dissect crabsWill Counts1997 Image Not Available for Band practiceBand practiceWill Counts1997 Image Not Available for Band practiceBand practiceWill Counts1997 Image Not Available for Biology students work dissecting a small sharkBiology students work dissecting a small sharkWill Counts1997 Image Not Available for Boys, playing in a vacant lot, watch school integration resisters march from Arkansas State Capitol to Central High SchoolBoys, playing in a vacant lot, watch school integration resisters march from Arkansas State Capitol to Central High SchoolWill CountsAugust 12, 1959 (printed in 1997) Image Not Available for Cameras share the dining room with the "Little Rock Nine" at a L.C. and Daisy Bates Thanksgiving dinnerCameras share the dining room with the "Little Rock Nine" at a L.C. and Daisy Bates Thanksgiving dinnerWill CountsNovember 28, 1957 (printed in 1997) Image Not Available for A caravan of students protesting school integration stops in front of the Arkansas State CapitolA caravan of students protesting school integration stops in front of the Arkansas State CapitolWill CountsSeptember 22, 1958 (printed in 1997) Image Not Available for Central High 1957Central High 1957Will Counts1957 (printed in 1997) Image Not Available for Central High 1957Central High 1957Will Counts1957 (printed in 1997) Image Not Available for Central High 1997Central High 1997Will Counts1997 Image Not Available for Central High 1997Central High 1997Will Counts1997Next Page Powered by eMuseum